We understand the frustration of getting your submissions rejected, especially when you've put in so much effort in crafting your photos. Practice the following points below to improve your chances of getting approved and earning the incentive you deserve.
- Read the campaign brief, tasks, and steps carefully
Some instructions can get very detailed, so be sure to take your time to understand what the campaign is asking from you – right down to the disclaimers. You wouldn't want to complete a submission only to find that you missed out a single photo tag on your post. It's also worth checking if the step schedules align with both the period you can submit photos (if you have travel plans) or the period you have to publish the post to your feed (if you curate your feed).
- Provide the brands with more than one option
After reading the instructions carefully, get creative with crafting your content. Brands are likely to pick either the best-looking photos or photos that accurately match the instructions they provided. It's best to offer a variety of photos for them to choose from for them to take their pick. Perhaps try different angles, tones, or feature different layouts.
- Edit your photos
It's rare that a photo doesn't need edits to improve exposure, white balance, sharpness, and more. Use photo editing apps and throw a filter on for effect. By adjusting the colour tones and playing around with contrast, you can make any photo appear more visually appealing to the brands reviewing them. If you don't know where to start, get inspiration from the brand's Instagram or Facebook accounts (if any) to emulate the look and feel of their content.
- Go the extra mile with your submissions
Your submission is competing with other Partiposters. If you want a higher chance of getting approved, your content needs to stand out against other submissions – especially if the campaign status is at Submissions Filling Fast. If it's apparent from your content that you've put a lot of effort in your photos, you're more likely to be approved!
Check out this article about 5 FREE Apps that could help you edit and improve your content!
5 FREE Apps That Can Propel You To Fame On Instagram