When you complete at least one step of a campaign task, the status of your progress throughout the campaign will appear in the Partiposts tab in the Partipost app. The different Partipost statuses and their definitions are explained below:

In Progress: This campaign still has outstanding tasks and/or steps for you to complete.

Awaiting Payout: You have completed all the tasks within the campaign and Partipost will pay out your incentives 30 days after the tracking period for your post ends (if applicable).

Paid: You have completed all the tasks within the campaign and Partipost has paid out your incentives. The full amount that you have earned would be reflected in your Partipost wallet and is now ready for withdrawal.

Rejected: Either your profile or your submission is deemed unsuitable for the campaign and you are not allowed to continue with the campaign.

Closed: The campaign was either manually closed due to high demand or you have missed one of the step schedules.

The Partiposts status along with the task statuses displayed together provides you with more context on what you should do next for the campaign. Pay extra attention to when your campaign is still In Progress because this would require the most action on your part.